
PHP Check and Validate


class check{

var $bench_start = 0;

function check(){

function check_int($value){
$help = (int)$value;
if(strcmp($help, $value)){
return false;
return true;

function check_empty($value, $type = 1){
if($type == 0){
return true;
return false;
if(!empty($value) || $value == "0"){
return true;
return false;

function get_max($value_arr){
$max = $value_arr[0];
$i = 0;
$arr_index = $i;
foreach($value_arr as $val){
if($val > $max){
$max = $val;
$arr_index = $i;
$return["arr_index"] = $arr_index;
$return["max_val"] = $max;
return $return;

function get_min($value_arr){
$min = $value_arr[0];
$i = 0;
$arr_index = $i;
foreach($value_arr as $val){
if($val < $min){
$min = $val;
$arr_index = $i;
$return["arr_index"] = $arr_index;
$return["min_val"] = $min;
return $return;

function max($value, $max){
if($value > $max){
return false;
return true;

function min($value, $min){
if($value < $min){
return false;
return true;

function max_strlen($string, $max){
if(strlen($string) > $max){
return false;
return true;

function min_strlen($string, $min){
if(strlen($string) < $min){
return false;
return true;

function check_email($value){
$is_valid = eregi($reg_exp, $value);
return false;
return true;

function check_plz($value, $check_strlen = 1){
$help = $value;
$first_letter = substr($value, 0, 1);
$is_null = false;
if(!strcmp($first_letter, "0")){
$is_null = true;
$plz= (int)$value;
$plz = "0".$plz;
case 1:
if(strcmp($plz, $help) || strlen($plz) <5){
return false;
return true;
case 0:
if(strcmp($plz, $help)){
return false;
return true;
echo "False type for check_strlen";

function sum($val_array = array(), $sum_val){
$sum = 0;
foreach($val_array as $val){
$sum += $val;
if($sum == $sum_val){
return true;
return false;

function check_date($date){
$d = explode(".", $date);
if(strlen(@$d$2]) > 2){
@$d$2] = substr($d$2], strlen($d$2]) - 2 , 2);
if(checkdate(@$d$1], @$d$0], @$d$2])){
return true;
return false;

function german_chars($string){
$string = str_replace("A", "&Auml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("O", "&Ouml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("U", "&Uuml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("a", "&auml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("o", "&ouml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("u", "&uuml;", $string);
$string = str_replace("s", "&szlig;", $string);
$string = str_replace("e", "&eacute;", $string);
return $string;

function is_hostname($url){
// (type of stream )(domain ).(tld )
$reg_exp = "/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|ftps:\/\/)*($a-z]{1,}$\w-.]{0,}).($a-z]{2,6})$/i";
if(!preg_match($reg_exp, $url, $result)){
return false;
return true;

function is_url($url){
// (type of stream )(domain ).(tld )(scriptname or dirs )
$reg_exp = "/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|ftps:\/\/)($a-z]{1,}$\w-.]{0,}).($a-z]{2,6})(\/{1}$\w_]{1}$\/\w-&?=_%]{0,}(.{1}$\/\w-&?=_%]{0,})*)*$/i";
if(!preg_match($reg_exp, $url, $result)){
return false;
return true;

function base_convert($num, $from){
$result["binary"] = base_convert($num, $from, 2);
$result["octal"] = base_convert($num, $from, 8);
$result["decimal"] = base_convert($num, $from, 10);
$result["hex"] = base_convert($num, $from, 16);
return $result;

function random_nr($min = 0, $max = 100000000000000){
return (mt_rand($min, $max));

function random_text($prefix = "generate_random_id"){
return md5(uniqid($prefix));

function microtime(){
$time = microtime();
$time = explode(" ", $time);
return $time[1] + $time[0];

function start_benchmark(){
$GLOBALS["bench_start_time"] = check::microtime();

function stop_benchmark(){
$GLOBALS["bench_end_time"] = check::microtime();
$time = $GLOBALS["bench_end_time"] - $GLOBALS["bench_start_time"];
$time = explode(".", $time);
$time[1] = substr($time[1], 0, 4);
$days = 0;
$hours = 0;
$mins = 0;
$seconds = $time[0];
while($seconds > 60){
$seconds -= 60;
while($mins > 60){
$mins -= 60;
while($hours > 24){
$hours -= 24;
$durability = $days." 耗時 ".$hours." 時 ".$mins." 分 ".$seconds.".".$time[1]." 秒";
echo "<br><b>腳本時間: ".$durability."</b>";

function debug($array, $blank=0, $echo_class=0){
$multi = false;
if(is_object($array) && !$echo_class){
echo "<b>調試的對象: ".get_class($array)."</b><br>";
$multi = true;
if(is_array($array) && !$echo_class){
echo "<b>調試一個陣列</b><br>";
$multi = true;
if(!$multi && !$echo_class){
echo "<b>單變數調試</b><br>";
echo $array;
$blanks = "";
for($i=0; $i<$blank; $i++){
$blanks .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
while(list($key, $val) = each ($array)){
if(is_array($val) || is_object($val)){
echo $blanks.$key." => "."<b>".$val." ".get_class($val)."</b><br>";
echo $blanks.$key." => "."<b>".$val."</b><br>";
debug($val, $blank+1, 1);
echo $blanks.$key." => ".$val."<br>";

function object_info($object){
$methods = get_class_methods(get_class($object));
$vars = get_class_vars(get_class($object));
echo "<b>概述對象類:".get_class($object)."</b><br>";
echo "<b>父類:".get_parent_class($object)."</b><br>";
echo "<b>概述方法類:<br></b>";
foreach($methods as $method){
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$method."<br>";
echo "<b>概述變量類: (名稱 => 預設值)<br></b>";
foreach($vars as $var => $val){
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$var." => ".$val."<br>";

* Validation class for validation of misc strings
* @author Sven Wagener <wagener_at_indot_de>
* @include Funktion:_include_
class validate{
var $country_code;
var $string;

* Regular expressions for postcode of the following countries
* at = austria
* au = australia
* ca = canada
* de = german
* ee = estonia
* nl = netherlands
* it = italy
* pt = portugal
* se = sweden
* uk = united kingdom
* us = united states
var $pattern_postcode=array(
'uk'=>'^($A-Z]{1,2}$0-9]{1}$0-9A-Z]{0,1}) ?($0-9]{1}$A-Z]{1,2}),


var $pattern_email='^($a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\$0-9]{1,3}\.$0-9]{1,3}\.$0-9]{1,3}\.)|(($a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))($a-zA-Z]{2,4}|$0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$ ';
var $pattern_ip='($0-9]{1,3}\.$0-9]{1,3}\.$0-9]{1,3}\.$0-9]{1,3})';
var $pattern_url='^(http|ftp)://(www\.)?.+\.(com|net|org);

* The constructor of the validation class
* @param string $string the string which have to be validated
* @desc The constructor of the validation class
function validate($string){

* Validates the string if it consists of alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of alphabetical chars
function alpha($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);

* Validates the string if it consists of lowercase alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of lowercase alphabetical chars
function alpha_lowercase($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);


* Validates the string if it consists of uppercase alphabetical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of uppercalse alphabetical chars
function alpha_uppercase($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);


* Validates the string if it consists of numeric chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of numeric chars
function numeric($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);

* Validates the string if it consists of alphanumerical chars
* @param int $num_chars the number of chars in the string
* @param string $behave defines how to check the string: min, max or exactly number of chars
* @desc Validates the string if it consists of alphanumerical chars
function alpha_numeric($num_chars,$behave){
}else if ($behave=="max"){
}else if ($behave=="exactly"){
return ereg($pattern,$this->string);

* Validates the string if its a valid postcode
* @param string $country_code the country code for the country of the postcode (de,en)
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid postcode
function postcode($country_code){
return ereg($this->pattern_postcode$country_code],$this->string);
return false;

* Validates the string if its a valid email address
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid email adress
function email(){
return ereg($this->pattern_email,$this->string);

* Validates the string if its a valid ip address
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid ip address
function ip_address(){
return ereg($this->pattern_ip,$ip);

* Validates the string if its a valid URL
* @desc Validates the string if its a valid URL
function url(){
return ereg($this->pattern_url,$ip);
